Incorporated into David Blaine's 'Ambitious Card' routine.
A signed card is placed into the centre of the deck - with a snap of the fingers the cards returns to the top.
The card is again placed into the centre of the deck, another snap of the fingers and once more the card returns to the top.
The magician now takes the end of the face-up signed card and proceeds to bend it almost double, he turns the bent card face down, cuts off the bottom half of the deck and holds the deck at eye level where the bent card can be clearly seen on top. Still holding the cards at eye level the magician places the cut portion on top of the bent card, sandwiching it at the centre.
The magician holds his right hand above the cards, a snap of the fingers and the bent card passes up through the deck and pops-up on the top, it is displayed and seen to be the signed card !
Fan the deck face-up and have your volunteer select a card by touching it.
As you close the fan, cut the deck one card below the chosen card and take that portion to the top (bottom).
Turn the deck over and Double Lift the top two cards displaying the chosen card. Have the chosen card signed on the face. Turn the 'double' over.
Openly lift off the top card and have the volunteer cut off half of the deck - place the chosen (?)
card onto the bottom portion and ask the volunteer to place his half of the cut deck on top.
Ask the volunteer to snap his fingers - turnover the top card to show that the signed card has returned to the top !
Place the signed card to one side. You now have two problems..
One: You must lose the card in the centre again.
Two: at the same time you must control the chosen card to a position second from the top (in order to perform the Pop-Up card effect).
Both problems can be solved with one move.....
Hold the deck in the dealing position with a little finger break under the top card. The deck is then held (left hand) with the deck almost at right angles to the floor, in this position use the left thumb to split the deck halfway saying "That looks like about halfway doesn't it ?" The break held by the little finger should be hidden by the base of the thumb.
Pick up the signed card and bring it in from the rear, giving the appearance of returning the card at the halfway split - it is actually returned into the break held by the little finger - beneath the top card. [This move requires much practice in front of a mirror.]
Once the card has been returned, the hands/cards are brought back to a level position.
Have the volunteer snap their fingers and with some flair and a riffle, 'double lift' the signed card
and place it out-jogged (face-up) on top of the deck.
Take the outer-end of the face up ('double') signed card with your right hand and bend it almost in half, then turn the 'double' bent card face down (leaving it bent).
The right hand now cuts the deck (Biddle grip) and the left thumb openly slips off the top bent card onto the bottom portion of the deck as the right hand (with the top portion) is withdrawn to the right.
The right index finger must keep pressure on the bent signed card which is on top of the half held in the right hand.
Hold the left hand portion at eye level where the bent card can be clearly seen. Still holding the cards at eye level, place the right hand portion on top of the bottom half, sandwiching the bent card in the centre.
The left hand thumb and index finger must now take control the deck and hold down the bent signed card, ensuring that it doesn't pop-up prematurely.
The magician holds his right index finger above the cards and asks the volunteer to snap his fingers, at that moment the magician releases the pressure on the top card and up it Pops !!
Turn the card over, to reveal, once again, the signed card.
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